AmigaOS3.5 (6/967)

From:Frank Aisenbrey
Date:1 May 2000 at 11:03:03
Subject:Re: Installing OS3.5 on A4000T

Hello John

On 01-Mai-00, you wrote:

> On or about 30-Apr-00 05:04:05 Frank Aisenbrey typed the following words
> about "[amigaOS3_5] Re: Installing OS3.5 on A4000T". My reply is thus...
> Hi Frank,
>>> Why are you pointing someone to a pirate site?
>> Well, the author (an ex-Commodore/AT employee) of this site (main
>> content: ex-ComBo support BBS) claims that providing the software to
> Well, anyone can *claim* anything. That doesn't make it legal.

That'ts right. I only tried to summarize his justification.

>> the public via BBS was in agreement with the trustee of the Commodore
>> bankruptcy (at least with his secretarys). He claims that Petro was
> Commodore is long gone so I doubt that holds any credibility if it ever
> did.

see above.

>> aware of it when he worked for AT and had not taken any steps against
>> it. Only a few months ago he startet distributing the software through
> I find it hard to believe that Petro actually condones it. Just because he
> didn't do anything doesn't mean it is legal. Maybe he just ignored it
> because he knew there was no use mentioning it to Gateway.

I believe Gateway had (has?) an email address for such cases.

>> the Internet. And since then no-one at Gateway/Amiga seems to have
>> anything against it even they are aware of it (at least Petro I
> Gateway is long gone also.

Don't know about the legal competences on that. But as I understand it Gateway is still the owner of several Amiga related patents (which may be involved in the software offered on this site).

>> believe). Source:
>> (german language).
> Again the source is the pirate himself.

see my 1st quote.

>> My personal opinion: It's nice to have such an archive because there
>> is no official one for this kind of stuff. It helped me a lot in
> Nor should there be this kind of source. We are talking about copyrighted
> software for a currently available computer. Making it publicly available
> online is an infringement of the copyright and illegal. Just because the
> previous owners of the copyright chose not to pursue the issue does not
> change that fact.

Yup. If he's got no permission to do it, then it's illegal.

>> fixing several Amiga hardware related things also in getting back my
>> (legally purchased)
>> 3.1 Install Disk which was defective.
> You should have made backups of your system disks. Two wrongs don't make a
> right.

Yes, I always make Backups. In fact the disk labeled "Install3.1" has had the same contents as the Fonts disk. And when I needed this disk the Net was closer than the dealer I bought it from.

> It doesn't matter since I have emailed Gary Peak with the URL and he is
> taking care of it. I doubt the site will be around much longer.

Huh? What have I done? Anyway, I'm curious on what'll happen to the site.



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